Premiere of new "secret materials": what, where and when to watch



"Secret Materials" officially ended in 202 series on May 19, 2002, 9 years after the premiere. The new season of "secret materials" will be in account of the tenth.

Where and when?

Fox Channel will show the first series of new "secrets" On Sunday evening, January 24 . View the first series online can be the next day.

Fox planned the premiere in 2 parts - the first series of viewers will be seen on January 24, and the second - the next day, January 25th.

In Russian dubbing (that is, with Russian voice acting), new "secret materials" will show the TV3 channel. The first series of 10 seasons X-Files will be broadcast on TV3 January 26, on Tuesday, at 20:20 by Moscow time.

In the 10th season of "secret materials" there will be only 6 episodes (in the "old" seasons there was a minimum of 20 episodes, and even more). Showing new X-Files will last until February 22, 2016.

New "Secret Materials": remember the main characters

Caution, spoilers!

Premiere of new

Fox Mulder (David Spiritual)

After the investigation into the alien invading agent FBI Fox Mulder was forced to hide from justice. He was sentenced to death, but with the help of the faithful Dana Scully and Agent Skinner Fox managed to hide. In the second film on "Secret Materials", Mulder "wrote off" his estimated crimes - after he helped the FBI in the investigation of the mysterious disappearances of several women.

Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson)

The FBI Agent Dana Scully was forced to postpone his eternal skepticism aside when the government tried to execute Mulder because of his investigation of the alien invasion. Having assisted assistance in escape, Dana began working in the hospital while her former partner was hiding.

Walter Skinner (Mitch PIela)

The Deputy Director of the FBI Walter Skinner has repeatedly opposed Mulder and its investigations, but over the years turned into a faithful ally of Mulder and Scully.

Smoker (William B. Davis)

The mysterious government agent with unusual love for cigarettes was constantly interfering in the investigation of Mulder and Scully. In the end, he revealed it to them the date of the alien invasion, and after it was, apparently, killed. However, in the new season of "secret materials", the smoker will return - it is not yet known exactly how it was decided to "resurrect" scenarios.

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