Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend


Britney Spears introduced fans of their new favorite

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_1

Jared Leto posted a photo with gymnast Maccaila Maroni

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_2

Bar Rafaeli. hardly trains to maintain a wonderful form

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_3

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West neighbor chatted with Will Smith

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_4

Mariah Carey. spent all night in the studio, recording a new song

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_5

Selena Gomez Can not not dance when songs performed by Justin Timberlake sound

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_6

Tyra Banks posted photos from the star party

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_7

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_8

Jerry Holluell Meets S. Melanie Brown

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_9

Leighton Mr. posted a new photo

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_10

Ricky Martin Always happy to work with talented musicians. This time he fell good luck to Silom

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_11

Josh Duhamel and Julianna Haf Do not bored during the advertising campaign of the film "Quiet Harbor"

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_12

So Carly Ray Jepsen Preparing in Grammy

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_13

"I'm thinking to shake my mustache," - wrote Madonna

Stars on Twitter: Madonna with mustache, and Britney Spears with a new four-legged friend 56626_14

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