Rebecca Romin in Fitness magazine. March 2012.


About getting rid of excess weight after the birth of twins : "Reset that weight turned out to be hardly the most difficult thing of my life. I needed to change the usual workout mode, nutrition - everything. All I did before pregnancy - like Pilates, to whom I dedicated for 14 years - no longer worked. I needed to find a completely different way to cope with my body. "

About what kind of training it preferred : "A friend advised me to try the Bikram yoga. First, the idea to spend a 90-minute training in the room heated to 41 degrees, sounded like torture. But I was very quickly used to increased sweating. My body has changed almost immediately. Through three workout, I noticed that there was less fat on the stomach. Now my knees and legs are stronger than ever; Hands for the first time in life have gained relief; And my posture is much, much better. I also feel how I charge the energy with deep breathing. "

That the husband creates problems with a diet : "Each meal with Jerry includes wine and dessert that I adore. Even before our children appeared, I added in weight from such nutrition. But I was happy and in love, and my clothes still fit me. Jerry liked how I looked. "

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