"New Moon" beats the record "Star Wars"


According to the site Fandango (the leading online operator on the pre-sale of cinema tickets) on November 14, 2009, the continuation of the vampire saga broke the record of 2005, belonging to the "Star Wars: Episode III. Revenge Sitchov. The five leading films today looks like this:

1. "Twilight. Saga. New Moon "/" The Twilight Saga: New Moon "(2009)

2. "Star Wars: Episode III. Sitness Revenge "/" Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of The Sith "(2005)

3. "Harry Potter and Prince-Half-Blood" / "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince" (2009)

4. "Dark Knight" / "The Dark Knight" (2008)

5. "Twilight" / "Twilight" (2008)

This result, according to the official representative of the online operator, is explained by the fact that the second part of the vampire love film studies and the young girl hit the top five best-selling films on August 31, a day when the tickets began to be available for the audience. To date, preliminary sales on the "Twilight. Saga. New Moon "make up 75% of the total sales of Fandango. Fandango employee Rick Butler comments: "This is obvious that for many fans, the release of the film" New Moon "is one of the most long-awaited events of this year."

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