Lindsay Lohan: "I respect the law"


"Elizabeth drove on the set," Lohan told Elizabeth Taylor from the new TV film Liz and Dick about his heroine. - I never drank during filming, never. I learned a lesson, and I respect the law. " Lindsay remembered about the days spent behind bars: "I was difficult to recognize, but my sharpening became a blessing. I was in a single chamber and spent time in search of the right path. "

The star also told about his tattoo and about the lesson she learned thanks to the previous mistakes: "I have a tattoo" live without regrets. " I do not mean that I wanted to be in the prison cell, but I received from all this experience. " But this would advise the 26-year-old Lindsay for a 16-year-old: "Do not drink driving. And take care of what people you surround yourself. " The actress, which seems to finally took his head, added that he was thinking about the children: "Yes, I want to adopt the boy."

True, from the law-abiding and happy life of Lohan separates the next court hearing, according to the results of which it can again be behind the bars.

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