Irony is prohibited: Alec Baldwin left Twitter because of the loud criticism for a joke


62-year-old Alec Baldwin announced its subscribers, which leaves the social network Twitter. Long video with reference to fans from the auto store Actor recorded and posted in his Instagram profile. The movie star said that the cause of the care was the inadequate reaction to his joke on the actress Gillian Anderson. The star of the film "Apostates" has concluded that irony now is not in fashion. "On Twitter, as in all of the United States, is not accepted now ironic. Here now too much anxiety, stress and discomfort, "the actor stressed.

Alec joked about the American accent Anderson, who spoke at the Golden Globe Cinema awards ceremony. Recall, Gillian starred in the role of Margaret Thatcher in the British TV series "Crown", which was recognized as the best dramatic series. The American origin of Gillian became a real shock for many fans of the picture, who believed that the actress his native English pronunciation. "Change of accents? It sounds amazing! " - Ironized Baldwin, hinted at the recent scandal, unfolding around his wife's name.

Alec has already promised to leave Twitter when the Spanish focus of his wife, 36-year-old Chilaria Baldwin began to be actively discussing in the network. Hilaria was accused of writing herself for many years, only imitating accent. Followers Pair conducted an investigation and found out that the actor's wife hides its real name, and its pronunciation is the result of a good game. The actor's spouse was condemned for her attempt to rank with another ethnic group. Then the father of seven children was angry with too active users and emotionally said goodbye to everyone, calling Twitter "a noisy party, where everyone screams and not hear each other."

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the wife Aleca sama admitted that he was born in the United States and her really name was not chiralia, but Hilary.

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