Updated: Blake Lively in the magazine Allure. May 2015.


About how it combines work and maternal duties: "Most of my undertakings require full return, but somehow I manage to cope with everything. The meaning is not to get everything, but to do everything. Do not limit yourself with some definitions. For someone to have everything is a happy and healthy family, when you can be at home with your children, and this is exactly the most important thing. And for others, everything is a favorite profession, which reflects you, but it does not have time for the family. "

For breastfeeding: "This is a full day work. I can drive the car and keep breastsos in my hands. "

The fact that she reported on pregnancy on its website: "It was my way to take control of this moment. I can't behave like Beyonce - just get out and open the jacket, demonstrating all the stomach. But for us it was very important. And it was a real struggle, because we wanted to preserve privacy, but at the same time did not want others to use the details of our personal life. So we did everything just - it was a quiet and elegant way. "

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