Misha Collins shared new details about Castiele in the 15 season "Supernatural"


The actor said that Castiell, unlike Dean and Sam, was much easier to accept the fact that God turned out to be a bad guy.

CAS actually refused his father back in the 9th season. I think he has come to accept the fact that God will not become the father on whom he expected. So he was not too surprised when God went down to the ground and reversible

- Collins said in an EW interview.

Misha Collins shared new details about Castiele in the 15 season

Misha Collins shared new details about Castiele in the 15 season

He adds that the evil essence of God, of course, "shock for the system", and for Casa, and for hard drives.

He is the most powerful creature in the universe, and he goes against us, and we thought it was good. Now the whole life of the main characters is questioned. Did God foresaw all their actions until the very last moment?

- this question is asked Castiel.

Misha Collins shared new details about Castiele in the 15 season

However, not only the thoughts of God are worried about the angel. Cas is hard to survive the care of Jack and feels responsible for his death.

He promised to protect him, but as a result, Jack did not only go over the dark side, but also died. For Casa, this is a huge loss,

- said Collins.

Misha Collins shared new details about Castiele in the 15 season

Recall that the first episode of the 15 season "Supernatural" will be shown on CW on October 10.

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