Loud scandal complicated Britney Spears meetings with sons


In recent months, Britney Spears attracts especially much attention. First, the hype raised the fans of the stars, concerned about the "strange" content in her Instagram, then the scandalous documentary film Framing Britney Spears, who told about the unfair custody over the singer. Because of this, according to Insider, Et-Online edition, Britney became more difficult to meet with sons. Together with Kevin, Federlin Britney brings up 15-year-old Sean Preston and 14-year-old Jeiden James, but priority in the care of children behind Federlin.

"Britney loves boys very much and misses them every day. They try to meet with mom as often as possible. Children are something that Britney is proud of the most in life. Everything she wants is to be with them. But her sons fear to be in the spotlight. For them, it is a little risky, but they are ready to take a chance, just to see with mom. Britney very much appreciates meetings with sons, because in addition to all of them, they are teenagers who often hang out with friends, "the source said.

At the beginning of March, Britney shared a rare photo with Jaden and Sean and noted that usually sons would not allow her to post photos with them. "But I tried very hard, editing this photo, and they allowed me to lay out it. Now I do not feel deprived, "the singer noted in the microblog.

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