The creator of "Hannibal" will be engaged in the series on the "Vampire Chronicles"


The conversations that Anne Rice herself is going to send his brainchild on TV, appeared back in 2016 - at the same time, when there are rumors that the interview with the Vampire will receive a remake, and even with Jared Summer . There was no information about the fate of the full-length remorse since then, but the series on the "Vampire Chronicles" seems to become reality.

It is not yet known how tightly Brian Fuller will be involved in the production process, but the very fact that the Creator of "Hannibal" really helps to launch the series on the "Vampire Chronicles", has already confirmed the son of Ann Rice, Christopher. He also told a very interesting background of this cooperation: it turns out, even in the eighties, being an ordinary teenager, Brian contacted Ann Rice with the desire to replace the film on her vampire saga. The writer sent Fuller to the producer, who, of course, was not going to work with a teenager. And so, after three, with an excess decade, Rice and Fuller will still work together.

Fouller's work fans, meanwhile, are already offered to take on the role of Lestat Madsa Mikkelsen, and the role of Louis - Hugh Dancy.

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