Compiled a rating of actors, most often dying on the screen


According to a new study, in the ranking of 15 actors with the largest number of "screen" deaths, Christopher Lee is the actor who passed away in June 2015, for his long career, he starred in 280 films and died in 60 of them. Lee is not just an actor, most often in the screen, but the actor who has established another record - he died 10 times in the same role of Dracula.

Here is what the rating looks completely:

Christopher Lee - died in 60 films from 280

John Hurt - died in 45 films from 205

Bela Lugoshi - 36 deaths in 116 films

Vincent Price - 32 deaths in 201 film

Samuel L. Jackson - 28 deaths in 176 films

Sean bin - 25 deaths in 119 films

Charlize Theron - 25 deaths in 52 films

Liam Nison - 24 deaths in 119 films

Michael Bean - 24 deaths in 102 films

Mickey Rourke - 22 death in 77 films

Shelly Winters - 19 deaths in 162 films

Gary Buses - 19 deaths in 172 films

Robert de Niro - 19 deaths in 115 films

Bill Packstone - 15 deaths in 93 films

Sigurney Weaver - 13 deaths in 82 films

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