Research: Ben Affleck and Angelina Jolie - the saddest stars of Hollywood


Stephen Falllous, the British film generator and researcher, decided to conduct an unusual study - and "to drive" posters of films, produced from 2000 to 2016, through the Microsoft Azure Emotion service, which determines the person's face in the photo of the emotions experienced by him. For his experiment, Falllow chose posters with 64 Hollywood stars and analyzed them with Azure Emotion, tracking 7 different emotions (anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, contempt).

According to the Statistics of the study, Ben Affleck is most often sad on filmosters, Ryan Gosling and Bruce Willis also turned out to be in Troika. Angelina Jolie turned out to be the saddest of all women actresses, taking 6th place in this list.

According to the data obtained by Stephen Falllow, the most "neutral" Hollywood Star - Penelope Cruz, the most evil (at least on the film) - Duane Johnson, disgusting is most often visible on the face of Harrison Ford, Michael Douglas more often of other actors looks frightened. And the most happy Hollywood star on the film-seekers was René Zellweger - she went around Meryl Streep, Gwyneth Paltrow and Meg Ryan. A peculiar record holder was the Right Rogen, which most often demonstrates on the filmosters and surprise, and contempt.

The same, original sad Ben Affleck:

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