Draco against Lucius: the star "Harry Potter" Tom Felton played with "Father" in characters


Throughout the history of Harry Potter between Lucius Malfoy and his son Draco had a tense relationship. But in the life of the actors Jason Eizex and Tom Felton connects close friendship. Recently, the on-screen father and son played a popular game "Above the head!" by video link. Their entertainment led fans delight.

"Above the head!" (Heads Up!) - Mobile app for playing charaks. It includes both general and thematic decks for guessing (for example, about Harry Potter or Marvel). One of the participants of the game raises the smartphone with the chosen card to the forehead level and guess that it is written on it, while other participants give it descriptive tips. The game is very popular.

At first, Jason tried to make Toma guess that he had a card with the word "Hippo" in his hands. He described it as a "creature that kills more animals than any other in Africa." Tom suggested that it was a mosquito, and Jason clarified: "No, this is a giant being. Giant, huge, fatty creature, which flounders in the mud. " The next version of Tom became a dinosaur. "Yes, what are you crazy?" - Jason laughed, shocked by this wonderful, but wrong guess. At this time, it was over for the answer, and the move went to that.

Now Jason was supposed to guess the popular Canadian Country singer Shanaia Twain. Tom performed chorus one of her songs, but it did not impress any senior colleague. Having learned the right answer, the actor said that he would never have guessed in life, and friends moved to the next card, on which the Forrest Gump was. It was easily: Tom quoted the famous phrase of the hero of the film that life looks like a box of chocolates, and Jason quickly guess. So they have fun for some time.

Fans led to delight this game performed by favorite actors. "You are a great duet!", "I love my father, I love my son", "The Milestones between Father and Son," they wrote under the video that Tom Felton laid out in his Instagram account.

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