"Welcome, Weasley": Tom Felton welcomed Rupert Greent in Instagram


Full Rupert Grint, filmography who acted by the Rone Ron Weasley in the famous Saga about a small wizard, recently made his first post in Instagram. Despite the popularity of Instagram, the undoubted interest of fans and the sufficiently impressive age of the actor - he was 32 years old, "Grint was in no hurry to share the details of his" Star "life in social networks. All this time about the life of Rupert Fanata was recognized only from tabloids and rare pictures of paparazzi. The actor can be understood - in the time of filming, all the stars of Ptterians are tired of excessive publicity.

However, Rupert finally took the first step in the development of the unexplored territory of endless photos and comments. Perhaps this step it was pushed by a joyful event - in May, a couple of Grint had a charming daughter, which parents were unusually named after Wednesday. Rupert posted a joint photo with her daughter, submitting it to the public, and made an ironic notice about himself: "I was late for about 10 years, but finally I am here."

His colleague on the acting shop, 32-year-old actor Tom Felton (filmography who acted by Weasley's enemy - Draco Malfoy), apparently, missed her on-screen friend, that he sent him a warm message: "Welcome, Weasley! Do not worry, you are just in time! " Also, the actor handed out Hi daughter Rupert.

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