Emma Watson criticized the woman, which the actress played in the "Elite Society"


Alexis was part of a criminal group, which almost a year robbed more than ten celebrity houses, staring in a total amount of three million dollars and various property. Neurles was recognized as absolutely guilty of only one crime - the robbery of the house Orlando Bloom. In 2010, she was accused of stealing with burglary and sentenced to 180 days in prison, three years conditionally and fine in the amount of $ 600,000.

The film "Elite Society" tells about the scandalous group of people who watched celebrities and robbed them at home. Aleksis recently spoke on how she portrayed Emma Watson.

I did not like her comments about me and this role, although she knew that I was convicted. Particularly moment about heroin - I was already on treatment when they shot the film. In my opinion, Emma still said something like: "This girl is the embodiment of what I absolutely condemn, she is disgusting." And by that time already told that in childhood I experienced sexual violence and was dependent on heroin,

- Alexis said Instagram live broadcast.

Emma Watson criticized the woman, which the actress played in the

In an interview with W Magazine Emma said that the character of her heroine is opposite to its character.

It doesn't look like me. How can I understand a young woman who loves things so much that it is ready to go for a crime to take possession of them?

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