Emma Watson showed charming children's photo in honor of the 30th anniversary


April 15, the star of films about Harry Potter Emma Watson turned 30 years old. On this occasion, the actress published his archive child photograph. On it, the little Emma sleeps sweetly on the mattress, spreading the handles.

Wow. thirty! It was a real adventure ... All of you who cares about me - Thank you. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for supporting me

- wrote Watson in microblog.

It is still unknown, as Emma celebrated thirty years, but in Quarantine, she was unlikely to have a loud party. But the actress received many warm confessions from their subscribers: "Happy Birthday, Emma! You are our inspiration! "," You are my ideal! You care about the environment. And you're very pretty "," Happy Birthday, Favorite Hermione! "

Earlier, Emma said that by the age of 30 revised its attitude to loneliness. The actress stated that instead of determining himself through relationships, she decided to become a partner for himself.

I needed a lot of time to come to this, but now I am really happy alone. I myself partner myself,

- said the star. At the same time, she used the phrase of the self-partnered, which is translated as "partner herself", and this term that invented by it was picked up Emma's supporters.

Emma Watson showed charming children's photo in honor of the 30th anniversary 59840_1

It is not necessary to be lonely to be self-partnered, says Watson. You can even be a partner in relation to yourself.

We are talking about a relationship with you and the feeling that you are some kind of or defective without another person,

- explained the star.

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