Emma Watson: "I began to receive threats as soon as I spoke about the rights of women"


Emma spoke his famous speech in September last year. The 24-year-old actress called on women all over the world to fight for their rights and oppose discrimination against sexual sign. Alas, not everyone was ready to divide the views of the feminist Koton.

"After I spoke with a speech in September, a website appeared on the network," the star told. - He threatened to publish my naked photos, there was even a countdown counter. I knew that it was a lies. I knew that there were no such photos. I think many of my surroundings understood that the issue of gender equality is a problem. But no one suspected how acute she is. As soon as I spoke and spoke on the topic of women's rights, I immediately began to threaten. It did not pass 12 hours, as I received threats. I think many were just shocked by this fact. One of my brothers was very upset. I guess it was an awakening signal: these are the real things that happen right now. Women get threats in all possible forms, and this is one of them. It's funny, because people thought it would stop me. But I, on the contrary, felt all the importance of what was happening. I was furious. It was incredibly angry and immediately understood why should continue. "

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