Justin Tera answered the question about the reason for the gap with Jennifer Aniston


Actor and Writer Justin Tera commented on rumors about his parting with actress Jennifer Aniston. The artist shared his version was shared in an interview for Esquire magazine.

So, celebrities began to meet in 2011, and got married four years later. However, in 2018 they declared parting, but did not comment on the reasons for the break. Because of this, the press appeared in the press that the actors were separated due to the fact that they could not decide on the place of residence: Aniston planned to live in Los Angeles, and Tera preferred New York.

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However, in a conversation with Esquire, the teer denied this information. According to him, people tend to simplify things too much.

"This is a version that is mostly not true. Understand, people always come up with some stories that make them feel better or simplify things for them. All these conversations: "This man loves rock and roll, and this man loves jazz. Well, of course! "But this is not the case. This is an excessive simplification, "the artist told.

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Nevertheless, the Teutory himself again did not go into details and commented on separation only in general.

"You like it or not, but we didn't have a complete discharge drama, and we love each other. I am sincere when I say that it's rushing to our friendship. We may not be a couple, but nothing prevents us to give each other joyful moments and be friends, "the celebrity shares.

He noted that he was regularly convened with the former spouse and corresponds.

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