Rumors about the death of Jason Statham appeared on the net


Jason Statham is one of the most popular actors of modernity, and in world glory, as you know, there are also side effects. To catch a Haip, the actors have already been declared the dead, leading to his fans and friends to horror. A few days ago, there were rumors about the death of celebrities, but they are absolutely unfounded.

Just a few hours ago, British boxer Tyson Fury published in his Instagram photo in Jason Statham, which means that with the actor everything is in perfect order. "Excellent Sunday Lunch with boys," - signed a picture of an athlete, where, in addition to Staham, promoter Fury Frank Warren and Fighter Brendan Laonsenden are captured.

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram

Great having Sunday lunch with the boys, @frank_warren_official @brendan_lyonsden_ @jasonstatham

Публикация от Tyson Fury (@gypsyking101)

It is worth noting that the Hollywood actor is a large fan of the ex-world heavyweight champion and tries not to skip home fighting with the participation of countryman. In addition, when Jason Statham even repeated the trick of his idol and opened the bottle with a blow to his foot, revealing the lid virtuoso.

We add that this weekend was still overshadowed by a truly sad event. Two days ago, Schadvik Bowzman left the life. The performer of the role of Black Panther in superhero blockbusters Marvel died from colon cancer. And unfortunately, these are not rumors.

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