Insider shared how Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry cope with the role of parents


In August, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom first became parents: the pair had daughter Daisi Daving. A few weeks after the birth of Katie returned to the Schedule of the American Idol show, and last weekend spoke at the American Music Awards awards awards ceremony.

The Et-Online Et-Online Insider notes that the newly minted parents will perfectly cope with the combination of parental duties and careers.

"Katie and Orlando is a fantastic relationship, and they enjoy a new life as a parent. They find time for the baby Daisy, and for their work, their views are converging in this matter. But daughter, of course, their main priority is now. They keep the balance perfectly, "said the source from the celebrity circle.

In addition to the newborn daughter, Orlando also raises the nine-year-old Son Flynna from the former beloved Miranda Kerr. The actor has repeatedly noted that his son is very happy younger sister. Recently, Miranda visited the show Drew Barrymore, where with love responded about the family of her former, in particular, about Katie.

"I just adore her. I'm so glad that Orlando found a man who made him happy. Flynn sees that his father is happy that his mother is happy - is this not the main thing for the child? ", - noted Kerr.

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