Video: Pregnant Katy Perry danced from the car on the go, talking the belly


Pregnancy Katy Perry, according to her own words, it is not easy for her. But this did not prevent the singer to think about and repeat the famous "Friday dance" of Mufasa, whose video became famous for the whole Internet. In it, a young man pops up from a car at a slow move and burningly dancing, trying not to lag behind the car. Of course, it was not possible to jump out of the Katie car, but with the filing of Orlando Bloom, she still came out and performed several foolish movements, demonstrating a big round belly. At the end of the Katie roller grabbed the stomach, probably having experienced discomfort.

Orlando says that his spouse "perfectly copes with pregnancy" and behaves as if not pregnant. However, Katie describes its condition:

I reverse like a duck! It is hard for me to breathe, I constantly breathe my mouth. It is loud and disgusting. And I eat a lot of fruit ice, give me it rather.

Katie also told about her emotional state during pregnancy:

I have already experienced all possible emotions: Panicoval, worried, was filled with happiness, was depressed. I felt the whole palette. Now there is too much a situation in the world to bring new life into it. Although, I remember, the people last year said the same thing, they say, time is now unstable. But now it is really unstable.

Video: Pregnant Katy Perry danced from the car on the go, talking the belly 60584_1

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