As you dreamed: Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom revealed the floor of the future child


Recently it became known that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are waiting for a child. The news of the pregnancy of the singer presented in the new video Never Worn White, where the pregnant tummy showed for the first time.

Later, during a speech in Australia, on the finals of the World Cup of the Cricket among women, Perry said loudly before the public:

I hope this is a girl.

Katie reported that the child should be born in the summer. She also noted that the pregnancy "was not accidental," and stressed that she and her groom Orlando Bloom were looking forward to it.

As you dreamed: Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom revealed the floor of the future child 60608_1

Katie's dream turned out: she will have a girl. The other day, the future mother shared this news in his Instargam, accompanying the post of photograph of the happy Orlando of Bloom, smeared by pink cream or foam.

According to the source from the environment of the pair, Katie and Orlando are in self-insulation, but the waiting for the child asks them quarantine.

They are delighted with the fact that there will be a girl. And especially pleased that they have a wonderful reason to be happy and waiting for the best. Katie and Orlando are now, like many sit at home. Try not to throw sports, follow the nutrition to stay healthy. Katie hopes that by the time of the birth of the baby, the whole situation with Coronavirus subsides,

- Source shared.

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