"Was in love": Ex-Beloved Miley Cyrus told about their novel


Former Miley Syrus Katelin Carter again spoke again about the novel with the singer. Relations between celebrities twisted in the summer of 2019, when Miley broke up with Liam Hemsworth.

In the new episode of the podcast scrubbing in Keitlin noted: "I am not ashamed of that article by Elle magazine." She meant his last year's interview with the publication, in which he told how he broke up with a boyfriend and began to meet Cyrus.

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"In 25 years I met a man for whom I decided to go out. I considered him the most beautiful man on the planet, with a golden heart and a taiga for adventure. We were never bored. We have become best friends, "described their relationships in an interview with Keitlin.

However, in a few years of excitemental relations, the couple faced a crisis. Keitlin began to spend more time without a lover and travel a lot. In one of the travels, she went with her friend Miley. And surprised to find what was in love with her.

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"I was in love with her as much as in the previous partner. It just happened, and I felt that everything was going correctly. Remembering our three-year friendship, I realized that I was always especially drawn to her, but before that trip, I never had to think about Miley in a romantic sense, "Keitlin shared.

In a conversation for Podcast, Carter confirmed his words: "I myself was most surprised to meet with a friend. It was completely unintentionally, I just fell in love very much. After a relationship with her, I wanted to create and speak. Therefore, we made an interview with ELLE. After him, it became easier for me. But now I do not want my relationship to become public, "Caitlin summed up.

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