Continues to surprise: Miley Cyrus took part in a provocative shooting in a coffin


The trendy photographer wizes Mokhindra shared in Instagram frames of his new photo session, in which Miley Cyrus participated. You will see more pictures in his upcoming book High Gloss: The Art of Vijat Mohindra, and while he surprised fans with a bright frame, on which Miley poses ... in a yellow coffin.

The singer appeared nude, with his arms crossed on his chest and his branded grimace, and the intimate zone was covered with a bouquet of daffodils.

Fans are impressed: "It's very cool, you wicked!", "It's strong", "How good that you called Miley, it is ideal in this image," "I am ready to pre-order books." Someone from users suggested that the shooting was held on Halloween, and someone saw the spirit of 2020 in this frame.

Later, Mokhindra shared by another photo of Cyrus, for which she reincarnated into a decent and posed in a hat with horns, red latex bodies and straile shoes. "You showed the true nature of Miley in this shooting, great," "What a cute sexual evil," the photographer's followers said.

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Write has long been cooperating with Miley and is the author of many of its famous photographs, including those who are frank. Also in his lens at different times, Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashyan, Gwen Stephanie, Niki Minaza and many other stars were visited at different times.

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