Miley Cyrus became the victim of harassment of the aggressive fan


Twitter users paid attention to one of the videos that became affordable after the performance of Miley Cyrus. Moving to the car, the star with her husband was in the crowd of fans, one of which behaved rather aggressively to touch the idol. The fan jerked Miley by the hair, and then rushing her in his arms at all and kissed. Everything happened so quickly that Liam did not have time to react, and the couple quickly got into the car.

Same Cyrus did not attach importance to this incident, because now the singer focuses on the promotion of his new music album She IS COMING ("it is coming"). A few hours ago, the star published a series of staged photos and rollers, some of which can hardly be called decent.

Miley Cyrus became the victim of harassment of the aggressive fan 61713_1

Miley Cyrus became the victim of harassment of the aggressive fan 61713_2

Miley's acting career also does not stand still. It will appear in one of the episodes of the new season of the series "Black Mirror", the premiere of which will be held in this Wednesday.

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