Officially: Miley Cyrus confirmed marriage with Liam Hemsworth, showing wedding photos


Miley Cyrus published the first wedding photos in his Instagram, judging by the date under one of the pictures - 12.23.18, the solemn event occurred on that day. Happy newlyweds hugging on the background of the fireplace decorated with flowers, on Miley - a snow-white dress in the floor, Liam - in a strict black suit.

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This is probably our one - millionth kiss ....

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Recall that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth met in 2009 on the filming of the film "Last Song", the screening of Roman Nicholas Sparks. For almost 10 years, the lovers were announced on the engagement, they diverged, and then renewed the relationship again. During this time, Cyrus managed to meet with the son of Arnold Schwarzenegger Patrick, confess to bisexuality and in the end again to return "under the wing" Liam Hemsworth.

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10 years later .....

Публикация от Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus)

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