Rumors: Miley Cyrus will appear next season "Black Mirror"


Employees of the Marriott Hotel in Cape Town, where Miley stayed, revealed that the singer came to the city for filming: Cape Town is a port city, so there is plenty of picturesque exotic locations with interest, and therefore it is not too surprising that the filmmaker "black mirror" chose for Shooting it is South Africa.

Miley poses with fans in Cape Town:

Netflix, on the order of which the "Black Mirror" is removed, announced the extension of the Emmy holder for the 5th season in March of this year, but any details about what the audience is waiting for the next season, has not yet revealed. Insiders argue that the premiere of the 5th season should be expected in December of this year - and, among others, in the new season there will be an interactive episode, whose audience will be able to choose the development of the plot and influence the ending.

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