The series "Chernobyl" received the highest marks in the history of television


According to International Movie Data Base, Chernobyl rated more than 70 thousand spectators and awarded it with an estimate of 9.6 points. The series headed the top ten shows with the highest ratings:

"Chernobyl" (2019) - 9.6

"Planet Earth 2" (2016) - 9.5

"Brothers in arms" (2001) - 9.4

"Planet Earth" (2006) - 9.4

"To all grave" (2008) - 9,4

"Game of Thrones" (2011) - 9,4

"Waste" (2002) - 9.3

"Our Planet" (2019) - 9.3

"Cosmos: Odyssey through space and time" (2014) - 9.2

"Blue Planet 2" (2017) - 9.2

Some users considered such a distribution unfair, since other TV shows had to maintain quality level over several seasons, while Chernobyl had only five episodes. However, the new HBO show is great for passing the weekend for watching an interesting series.

The series

The plot tells about the explosion that happened at the Chernobyl NPP on April 26, 1986. Stellan Scarsgard, Jared Harris, Emily Watson and others. Johan Renk is responsible for the production.

The series

The series

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