"Guys" ahead of all series Marvel in popularity (thanks to Karl Urban and high rating)


Such series like "Jessica Jones", "Sorvigolov", "Luke Cage" and "Iron Fist" have proven themselves in the Netflix stream service, but they had to give way to a new project. According to ScreenRant, "boys" bypassed all the marvel shows, including the "Agents of the Shield" and "punisher." Experts Analytical Agency Parrot Analytics concluded that the daily demand for this series is 50 million, while other shows can boast of indicators of 15-20 million. It is interesting that the surge of spectator interest in Marvel projects had only been on the first week of release, in which "Guys" they also went around.

Among the advantages of the series, the fans allocate a unique atmosphere, tough jokes that are not enough to other filmmixes, a dizzying action and a non-standard approach to superheroch. Of course, the characters, the role of one of whom brilliantly performed by Karl Urban, is also very significant.

The head of Marvel Television Jeff Loeb has already promised that the television company will be the interest of the audience in the future. The developments are preparing the series about the ghost rider and Hellastorma. Probably the creators are going to use a non-standard approach to the stories of these heroes, but whether it will help to increase the ratings, it will be known in the future.

Scriptures "Guys" also should not relax. In the first season, they raised the quality bar very high, and now fans are waiting for the series and will continue to surprise them.

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