Irina Shayk commented on relations with Bradley Cooper: "He's wonderful dad"


Irina Shayk and Bradley Cooper broke out their relationship back in 2019. The former beloved remained daughter Lei, which they still raise together. In an interview with Elle Shake, shared an opinion about how to raise a child with a former boyfriend. "Bradley is the most wonderful dad! I never understood the term "joint guardianship". When I with my daughter, I am 100% mom, and when she is with his dad, he is 100% of her dad, "says Supermodel in an interview.

She also added that she prefers not to talk about other details of relationships with former beloved. "My past relationship is something that belongs to me is personal. It's just part of my inner world, which I do not want to give, "the shake admits. The model does not pay attention to what the press writes about her relationship with Cooper, since it is very busy with the upbringing of his daughter and his work. "If they want to write articles [about me], they do their job. I concentrate on my life and my friends. Everything else is just noise, "Irina explained.

Irina Shayk commented on relations with Bradley Cooper:

Now the press mainly publishes articles in which the ex-beloved friendships that they are supported for the sake of education of a common daughter. Sometimes hear rumors about the reunification of the pair, which none of them comments in any way. There is a new boyfriend who has a new boyfriend, is also unknown yet.

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