Star "Beauty and Monsters" will replace the armor of the Hammer in the series


The creators of the Gaslit series picked up a replacement for a recently dismissed armor Hammer. The actor's place will take Dan Stevens, who played the prince in the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast". According to Variety edition, Stevens will play a young adviser to the White House, which breaks between his ambitions and attempts to understand whether he should lie to protect the president. The series also takes off Julia Roberts and Sean Penn.

In connection with the accusations of violence, the Army was fired from several projects, except Gaslit, such as Amma asanth's film "Spy on a billion dollars" with Mads Mikkelsen in the lead role. He also dropped out of The Offer - a multi-sieu film about the creation of the famous "Cross Father" Francis Ford Coppola. Shortly before that, the army refused role in the movie Shotgun Wedding, where he should have been filmed with Jennifer Lopez. And last week it became known that the premiere of "Death on Nile" with Hammer and Gal Gadote served since September of this year in February next.

According to Variety, they will not move "Death on Nile", but the picture premiere had to be transferred precisely because of the scandal around the chammer name. The filmmakers decided to take time to think over the behavior strategy against the background of the investigation and accusations against Hammer, the publication notes.

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