"Batman against Superman": Jesse Aisenberg is not against returning to the role of Lex Lurator


Jesse Aisenberg told reporters that Luckers will play with joy again. At the end of the "League of Justice", Luthor appears in a small stage, where he discusses that the villains in response to the actions of superheroes should also be united and create their own "league of injustice." Fans of film dealers are interested in whether it is possible to expect that this plan will be implemented. Aisenberg replied:

Oh yes, I want it most to happen. Luthor is a very cool character. Playing a villain in films about superheroes is very nice. I have nothing against good guys, but villains are always more bright. Of course, the hero is almost certainly live to the end of the film, but the villain has the most fun and memorable replicas. I do not know if I will call me another role, but I would like to still withdraw in the role of Lexa Lurator. I love this character. From the point of view of filming, this is the most pleasant hero that I have ever played. But I do not know DC Films plans. If someone has the opportunity to influence them, then please use them.

The closest films in the film DC will be "Miracle Woman: 1984", "Batman", "Suicide 2" and "Black Adam".

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