Fuses: Frames from Kinokomix "Venom 2" appeared on the network


The Cosmic Book edition has published frames from the shooting "Woman 2". So far it is not known whether these are photos or fake, but they give an idea how the villain will look like. For the first time, carnage appeared in the scene after the titles of the first part of the "Votom". In the second film, he will become the main antagonist of the hero. According to rumors, the official teaser will be shown in the near future, on the basis of which it will probably be possible to judge the authenticity of the personnel.

Fuses: Frames from Kinokomix

Photos are not very high quality, but you can consider the appearance of a carnage. On one of the frames, a large red silhouette is visible with huge eyes, on the other - red hands with long fingers and claws.

Fuses: Frames from Kinokomix

Fuses: Frames from Kinokomix

Carnation is a symbiotic between Cassidy prisoners and an alien parasite. Cassidy since childhood showed signs of mental abnormalities. He killed his grandmother, tried to kill his mother, got into the shelter, who burned. Having planted for serial murders in one camera with Eddie Brock / Vienna, he was also able to connect with an alien creature. Thus, in the inhuman part of its part, it consists of a Vienna in kinship. In the film "Vienna 2", he for the first time in the filmsened Marvel will get a significant role. It is assumed that part of the film will be devoted to the prehistory of the Carnation.

The premiere of the film was scheduled for October 1, 2020, but at the moment it is difficult to say whether he will come to the specified date.

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