"I can not promise for another 20 years in football": Cristiano Ronaldo celebrated the 36th anniversary


Cristiano Ronaldo does not believe that he is already celebrating the 36th anniversary. "It seems that everything started yesterday, but this journey is already full of adventures and stories you need to remember. My first ball, my first team, my first goal ... Time flies! " - wrote a birthday boy on his page in Instagram.

The athlete first began to play football when he was only two years old, and he still did not finish his career. Moreover, the anniversary of their activities will soon notices: in professional sports, Cristiano has been 20 years old. During this time, he was awarded all sorts of titles and regalia. So, Ronaldo is considered one of the best players in the entire history of football.

It is not surprising that fans want to see the idol on the field again and again. However, no athlete can act infinitely: there is an age threshold. "I am very sorry that I can't promise you for another 20 years in football," the scorer apologizes in advance. Feeling his guilt, he gave another solid promise to fans: continuing to go on the field, never to let them down and put out 100 percent, demonstrating the maximum possible result.

Cristiano explained that she had always received that way. "I gave everything that I could, I never restrained and always tried to show myself as best as possible," the football player admitted. He did not forget to address the fans of the words of gratitude for their love and the support, which they consistently gave him both at the matches and the messages.

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