"Teach male concepts": Alena Vodonaeva wants to send a son to a military camp


TV presenter and journalist Alena Vodonaeva decided to tell fans in Instagram about views on the upbringing of his 10-year-old son Bogdan. So, she admitted that in the summer she wants to send a boy to a military camp.

"Who has the boys older than 10 years old, was the experience with the summer military camp? In order for discipline, sports, some educational events, "Patsan" affairs. The transitional age begins, it is necessary to add an army to teach responsibility, independence and male concepts, "the star noticed in Stories.

Also Alena admitted that it did not allow his heir to use various gadgets. Contrary to the ideas of many, Bogdan has no expensive modern smartphone, it uses a regular keypone.

Explaining this situation, Vodonaeva noted that men should not relax. It is better that they have a minimum of free time, then, in her opinion, the habit of idle will not appear.

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However, most network users did not like the network. They accused the lead in the fact that she is too strict to the only son. Instead, in turn, noticed that only she could know the true needs of his child. In addition, the father of the boy, the ex-spouse of the star Alexei Malakes, fully supports it in matters of education of their common child. Recall that Alena gave birth to Son in the summer of 2010.

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