"Salads smoked like Tuzik": Alena Vodonaeva showed how the new year celebrated


Recently, the 38-year-old TV presenter and blogger Alena Vodonaeva published a new video on his page in Instagram. Instadiva made cuts from the rollers who took off during the New Year's party.

The frame appears in the frame during the congratulations to the President of the Russian Federation, then glasses with champagne. Alena himself made selfie against the background of a decorated Christmas tree. The star met a new year in a stylish black collar dress. It supplied the image of the glasses with an original rim and major earrings in the shape of hearts.

"Very soulfnly met the 21st. I drank almost a whole glass of champagne and smoked salads like Tuzik. It was mentally and very fun, "Vodonaev wrote under the video.

She met a new year in the company of friends and asked fans as they celebrated the holiday. Many wrote that they stayed at home and had fun in the circle of relatives. Most of the households complained about a festive appetite, but in general, everyone was satisfied.

"Kolobok lay in bed, and not me," "I prepared, I prepared, I could barely in Putin," "With my husband, for the first time in five years," ", too, like Tuzik," said Folloviers told.

Alena continued to meet with friends and after the long weekend ended. She visited friendly siters from the former producer "House 2" - Vasilina Mikhailovskaya.

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