"Is it generally legal?": Fans discuss long legs of Alena Vodonaeva


The other day Alena Vodonaeva told his fans about how the son calls her in the morning. The star admitted that I was glad to be for him a divorce Marilyn Monroe, and not an extravagant musician Marylin Manson. "The Son comes to me in the bedroom in the morning. From the threshold dialogue: "Mom, you are similar to Marilyn Monroe in the morning." "The main thing is that not yet at Marilina Manson, Son," the ex-participant "House-2" said.

She accompanied the thinking of a spectacular photo, which showed itself in all its glory. Vodonaeva is located in a comfortable leather chair against the inscription "Life". She died into a checkered short dress on buttons and black shoes on a high heel.

Alena collected her hair and put on stylish glasses. She did without makeup, only slightly highlighting the lips of pink lipstick.

Стою на Новом Арбате, любуюсь своим салоном красоты @lavu_beauty на противоположной стороне. Сняла маску для красивого фото, а сама думаю о том, как я эти сапоги снимать буду. Совсем забыла, что стягивать их с ног это целое приключение. Есть какие-нибудь лайфхаки на тему того, как снять узкие внутри сапоги и при этом остаться в живых? ?

Публикация от Alena Vodonaeva (@alenavodonaeva)

Fans rated a new image of celebrities and poured her comling. "Beautiful", "such a buzzer", "you are just fire", "Your legs are something, the men have a droach", "Alena, you made my morning, beauty", "luxurious," - said Folloviers.

Others decided to answer the main question that Vodonaev asked in her post: if they became a door, then where would they lead? "In my childhood", "in the office to a psychologist", "To the doctor", "in the kitchen, so historically developed", "in the beautiful Russia of the future", "in the house to the parents, did not see each other - missed", "in Refrigerator "," In Hogwarts. So I want this magic school to exist, "the network users offered their options.

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