Characters "Vanda / Vizhn" depicted in the style of animation of different decades


The cutting service disney + on March 5 completed the show of the series "Wanda / Vijn", which opened the fourth phase of the filmmovered Marvel. The show highly appreciated both critics and spectators, which was achieved not only due to its content, but also style. The project clearly recreated the stylistics of popular TV series of different eras, imitating the cult sitcom of American television.

The artist Riana McCite was inspired by the visual techniques of "Vanda / Vizhn" and recreated the main characters in the motion of animation of different times. In his document on Twitter, she published several illustrations, each of which correlates with a certain episode of the series, made in its animation-known cartoons known for its time. So, the girl depicted Aluu Witch and Android Vizhn in the style of "Jetson", "Bear Yoga", "Enchanted", "Scoobi-Du" "Batman", "Man-Spider", "Adventure Time", "Gravity Falls" and T d.

Recall, in the show "Wanda / VIZHN", the action unfolds in an alternative growth created by the Wanda after the death of Vizhn in the film "Avengers: War of Infinity." Sorrowfully for his beloved, she leaves in the town of the opposing, where the Vizhn bought the land to build a house for them. Thanks to its superconductors, Alay Witch recreates an alternative version of Vijna, and also spreads his spell on the whole city.

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