Presented a new trailer for the animation series "Star Wars: Brand Part"


At the past in December 2020, Disney Investor Day, Lucasfilm Studio announced the release of a new animation project through the "Star Wars" universe - "Star Wars: Brand Party". On the eve of the company released the debut trailer of the upcoming animated series.

An animated show trailer came out on the official youtube channel franchise "Star Wars". It presents the main characters of the project - the detachment "defective party", genetically different from the rest of the army of clones. Each of the group members is endowed with its own unique skills that are most effective when the team works together. The action of "Star Wars: Defective Party" unfolds in the time interval between the events of the series of prequel and the original series of "Star Wars". The roles were voiced by Di Bradley Baker, Stephen Stanton, as well as Min-on Wen. The actress, who played in the "Mandalorets" Fennec Sand, gave a voice to this character and in the animated series.

The trailer also announced the release date of the show - May 4, 2021. This is an unofficial day of "Star Wars", which is celebrated by fans of the universe. Studio Lucasfilm often plans premieres of their projects within the framework of the franchise on May dates, in particular, on May 4th.

"Star Wars: Defective Party" will show the cutting service disney +.

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