Dima Bilan delighted the social network video from the concert: "Opera singers will envy"


The other day Dima Bilan struck her fans. He posted in his microblog the archival video from the concert, which showed how to perform one of his songs. At the same time, the musician often improvises on speech and allows himself to perform hits not as they sound initially. All because the artist loves to show the power of his voice and share this with fans.

So, in the roller, a very young Bilan - in a conventional stretched T-shirt, with severe hair for a long time highly pulled one note. Of course, it caused emotions among those present in the hall. And the longer the artist kept a high note, the stronger the applause became. "It happened and so," Dima signed the video, noting his het Hit "on the bank of the sky."

Singer's subscribers immediately poured him as compliments. And even noted that Bilan with such a voice can be performed in the opera. "Opera singers will envy", "knock out", "What a note is this? Something from the second octave? "," Unique voice "," cool "," it is truly, "the network users wrote in the comments to the video.

Recall that Dima Bilan is one of the most sought-after modern singers on the Russian stage. He always monitors the trends and therefore remains on the wave with his audience.

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