Megan Plans to give birth to a daughter at home: "The same plan was Archie"


39-year-old Megan Markle and the 36-year-old Prince Harry will soon become the parents of another kid. It is known that the couple will have a girl. This time, the spouses want to hold homework in their Monticito mansion in California. Owl planned to give birth to the first son of Archie in the same way, but the child was born a week later. "Megan's plan was to give birth to Archie at home, but you know what happens with the most well-thought out plans. In the end, the doctors advised her to go to the hospital, and all that she was interested in is a prosperous childhood Archie. But her beautiful house in California, this is a great place to give birth to a girl, "the source told.

Royal sources report that the child will appear by the end of spring or by the beginning of the summer. This will be the first case when a member of the royal dynasty will be born in the United States. When Megan was pregnant with the first child, he wanted to give birth to his cottage, in which the spouses lived before exiting the royal family. Prince Harry and his wife bought the estate of Montisito for $ 14.5 million last year after left their senior positions in the royal family and moved to California. The pregnancy of ex-actress has become known quite recently. To protect the couple in the last periods of pregnancy will be located near the Cottage hospital in Santa Barbara, which is recognized as one of the best in America.

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