From loyal husbands to lovers of sharp sensations What type of men attracts your zodiac sign


But in fact there is nothing casual. Each of us attracts completely defined men. Let's look at what men you attract to your life according to your zodiac sign.

Ovnov Most often choose active men. They are not looking for calm, it will face them. They prefer active pastime. And therefore women-Aries are ideal partners for them. After all, they themselves are very active.

Tales Choose mature psychologically men. They are not looking for passions and glow of emotions. They do not need a lot of fire. All they need is calm and stability. Another important damning line is loyalty.

Relationships with them. If not forever, it is very long.

From loyal husbands to lovers of sharp sensations What type of men attracts your zodiac sign 62604_1

Twins Attract men who are all the time in finding something new. New emotions, sensations, impressions. Those who live a full life and are not afraid of change. In a word, the same as the women twins themselves.

Raki. Very reliable and true companions of life. They create families often once and forever. And therefore, they attract men for whom family values ​​are in the first place. Also, men like the fact that a cancer woman will love them quite definitely not because of money.

From loyal husbands to lovers of sharp sensations What type of men attracts your zodiac sign 62604_2

Lviv Choose those men who are always ready to be on the second roles. They do not seek to master in relations or in the family. They are ready to allow their woman to shine, and they themselves will simply adore it and until the end did not believe their fortune.

Virgin Attract the men with their own everyday wisdom, which can be developed even in a very young age. They are choosing those who want stability, reliability, even security.

Unfortunately, they are often chosen by the often men infantile, which themselves can not want to decide.

From loyal husbands to lovers of sharp sensations What type of men attracts your zodiac sign 62604_3

Libra Often attract men with large ambitions and high intelligence. They are not looking for passions, and in their life companion first of all appreciate her ability to become a reliable rear. And when it is necessary, then equal to the partner in life situations.

Scorpions - These are women who are full of fire and passions. They are like a magnet for fans of sharp sensations and emotions. For those whom to sit on a powder barrel and the risk for which is a separate pleasure. In addition, a scorpion woman will choose a man who is not alien experiments.

From loyal husbands to lovers of sharp sensations What type of men attracts your zodiac sign 62604_4

Sagittarius He will choose that a man who is only a little beloved in a woman in a woman. After all, Sagittari women skillfully combine the role of a beloved woman and a better friend. They know how to support, inspire and, importantly, to laugh. And there are always many men in their surroundings.

Capricorn Attractive primarily for men pragmatic, rational, ambitious. Those who make a career and name. Female Capricorns are becoming perfect life companions for men in high positions.

After all, they are not only beautiful mistresses, but will be at the height in any environment, on any reception.

From loyal husbands to lovers of sharp sensations What type of men attracts your zodiac sign 62604_5

Aquarius - These are women who inspire. They are chosen by men who care about spiritual and for whom are kindness - this is not the last human quality. They appreciate Altruism Aquarius and his desire to help everyone who needs it.

Fish Most likely, they will attract a man of the same creative as they themselves. They will be able to engage in art, music, dancing or something else in this spirit. They will help each other find and express themselves with the help of creativity. And their union will first be intellectual.

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