Marion Cotiyar joined the protesters in Paris: photo


The other day, Marion Cotiyar decided to express his attitude towards what is happening in her native country. The French Parliament is now considering a bill on climate protection. The meaning of the project is that carbon dioxide emissions are reduced in France by 40%. However, such a bill did not fully reflect the wishes of the French, which is why they went to the streets of Paris in protest.

Marion Cotiyar joined the protesters in Paris: photo 62610_1

More than 100 thousand people went from the Grand Opera theater to the Republic Square with calls to change the bill. So, the actress itself was together with the protesters. She put on a baseball cap and a protective mask and with a poster "Let's do a story, let's not be ashamed." It went through the streets of the French capital.

Marion Cotiyar joined the protesters in Paris: photo 62610_2

Cotillard not only passed along with the protesters in Paris, but also paid attention to the problem in its Instagram account. She stated that everyone should go into the streets to "show that the climate movement in the country resumed." Thus, according to the actress, it can be used to understand officials that they should act in favor of citizens.

Marion Cotiyar joined the protesters in Paris: photo 62610_3

Recall, Marion Cotionar is a popular actress and eco -activist. She constantly explores various corners of nature to understand more about what and how affects climate change. So, she traveled with Greenpeace in Antarctica, after which she stated that it was "the most beautiful place where she was in his life."

Marion Cotiyar joined the protesters in Paris: photo 62610_4

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