Marvel Fan installed a record for the number of views "Avengers: Final"


American Picture "Avengers: Final" Marvel Studios film studio has reached the rental back in 2019. Directed by the continuation of the legendary films "Avengers" (2012), "Avengers: Era Altron" (2015) and "Avengers: Anthony Brothers and Jo Rousseau. The final part is the 22nd picture in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Spectators appreciated the acting game and the plot about dignity, because everyone was especially waiting for the climax of history.

But one of the audience is so imbued with love for the film, which revised him again and again. In the end, the American named Ramiro Alanis got into the Guinness Book of Records. He looked at the blockbuster in the cinema 191 times. Reports Entertainment Weekly. The last time the fan visited the cinema on July 29, 2019, three months after the start of the picture. The unusual viewer admitted that she watched the cinema every day, and the most difficult became for him the refusal to visiting the gym in favor of the cinema.

"I bought tickets at once to five sessions on the day of the premiere, so as not to miss any detail. After that, I began to go to the cinema every day, because I love this film very much, "alanis admitted. Total Ramiro went to the cinema for 94 days. Recall, the previous record for the largest number of views of the film belongs to the Internet blogger with Nick Nemraps. It is noteworthy that this fan also watched one of the paintings of the Marvel Studio - "Avengers: the war of infinity," which enjoyed 103 times.

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