The network rated photos of Orlova with dogs in bed: "Male is needed there"


Olga Orlova is known for his endless love for dogs. And she absolutely no matter what kind of breed they have - she readily helps the shelters in which the docks are also contained, and the four-legged owners of the pedigree: buys food and attachs abandoned puppies in good hands.

And the houses of Orlova live a few pets. At first there were Sharpes Bruno and Dina's rshedoy, then Asya appeared - a representative of an unknown breed. And now, judging by the snapshot, which the singer published in the social network, she started the fourth favorite.

In the photo Olga, together with all his sow, captured in his bed. And in such a company, she posed not only for a snapshot, because it often allows dogs to sleep next to them.

"When they asked to read the fairy tale before bedtime. I am waiting for your devotees critics: "Fuuuu, dogs on the bed," the "Family" photo of the ex-leading "House-2" jokingly commented on the "family" photo.

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Star fans for the most part noted that they understand Olga and her love for our brothers to our smaller, because they themselves love their pets themselves and allow them to sleep in their own bed. With asylum, they commented on the star's shot with the words that this particular happiness looks like, they admitted that they are just rejoicing from such idylls, and in general, they admired the fact that the singer helps animals.

And some, too, avid dog lovers, noted that you should not let pets in bed, and asked why the artist instead does not show her beloved.

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"The place of men in bed was replaced by dogs," "Male is needed there, not pets," says network users.

Recall, Orlova recognized that he was happy with some beloved and that they decided to decide to live in her house. However, Olga's elect thoroughly hides from prying eyes and does not publish his photographs in the social network.

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