Vodyanova attracted attention to a snapshot without makeup: "Natalia, did you cry?"


Natalia Vodyanova's social figure and public figure published on his page in Instagram "Honest" photo without makeup, which was concerned about the network users around the world. In the frame, the celebrity poses in a black sweater with a high throat, and there is no hint of cosmetics on her face.

"Monday's sadness," - sign a photo of Vodyanova.

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Fans with anxiety took a picture. The combination of photographs on which the celebrity is sad, as well as the signature came across them to thoughts about the difficult stage in the life of Vodyanova.

"Natalia, did you cry?" - Ask fans.

Other fans tried to support the celebrity and called for her philosophically to treat "black" life strips. Under publication, you can meet dozens of comments in many languages ​​of the world, in which network users write about the complexity of life, its joys and losses, and offer Wateranova not to despair.

"A life! It must be remembered that after sadness the happy watch is followed, such is life, "the subscribers write.

In addition, Vodyanova's followers thanked her for "honest" and "natural" pictures, noting the beauty of the model. In their opinion, Vodyanova looks great even with sad eyes, without cosmetics and in a simple black sweater.

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