Russell Crowe joined the acting "Torah: Love and Thunder"


It seems that Taika Vaititi is preparing to truly surprise fans. Now in Australia, shooting "Torah: Love and Thunder", and just the other day on the set, Jeff Goldblyum, who had previously appeared in the franchise in the role of Grandmaster. And the day before it turned out that the place in the ribbon was seized and for the star "Gladiator" and "Man of Steel" Russell Crowe. This means that the actor debuts in the filmmaken Marvel next year, but it is not yet known who he will play.

Back in the past weekend, Crowe was seen on the rugby match with other participants in the film crew, and then the first assumptions appeared that it was involved in the new Tore. And the official confirmation of these guesses published the authoritative edition of Deadline. It is reported that Vaititi and Marvel wanted to make the appearance of an artist in the film by a surprise, as in the case of Matt Damon, Sam Neil and Lyuho Hemsworth in Tore: Ragnarök, but because of the photographs who leaked into the network, this idea failed.

"Thor: Love and Thunder" will become the ninth appearance of Chris Hemsworth in the image of the Thunder God within the framework of the film Marvel. Thompson (Valkyrie), Natalie Portman (Jane Foster) and Jame Alexander (Lady Sif) will be returned to their roles. In addition, it is known that the stars of the Guardians of the Galaxy will be involved in the tape, Chris Pratt (Star Lord), Karen Gillan (Nebula) and Sean Gunn (Racca Rocket).

The premiere of "Torah: Love and Thunder" is scheduled for May 5, 2022.

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