Tarasov laughed social network compliments for Kostenko: "And Nastya for Putin!"


The famous Russian footballer Dmitry Tarasov recently gently congratulated his wife Anastasia Kostenko happy birthday. Models turned 27 years old. Former husband Olga Buzova wrote several qualities of his chosen, who are the most important and valuable for him.

A 34-year-old footballer published a touching photo in his personal Instagram account, which keeps his wife in the arms. Tarasov admitted in his feelings to Kostenko and voiced ten qualities for which he loves his spouse.

Tarasov noted that his wife is always honest with him and is predicted to him. In addition, she is kind, understanding and very beautiful. He wrote that Anastasia has the right attitude towards the family, and it always follows the same life principles as he himself. The athlete admitted that the spouses have a tradition that fills their day. "Kisses. This is our little tradition. We try every day to give them to each other as often as possible, "wrote Tarasov.

Many network users considered such recognition very touching, but they were also those who raised the appeal of an athlete. "And Nastya for Putin! I forgot the 11th item, "" When the wife herself wrote a congratulation, "some report on the work done," wrote silently in the comments.

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