Timati laughed at the family photo Samoylova: "Nefs rehabilitated"


Recently, model and blogger Oksana Samoilova published a new post in the personal microblog in the Instagram, which caused the reaction of many network users. Among them turned out to be a popular musician Timur Yenusov, better known as Timati.

So, Oksana laid out the photo where the spouse was imprinted in the company - Raper Digger - as well as their four children: daughters Ariela, Lei, Maya and David's son.

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"I don't know if you rate this photo, but it is the only one of the hundreds, where we all turned out to be fine. Even Maya. This is her best frame. This is such a big family turned out. Who knew who knew, "the Svetskaya Lioness frame signed.

Timato hurried to express his opinion on the publication and wrote in the comment: "Well, you can simply write already: fog, you are completely rehabilitated. Fly with Tim in Miami. " By the way, the remarks of the musician Oksana did not leave without an answer and objected: "Yes, of course, they are marked."

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It should be noted that the comment by Yunusov, apparently, is associated with the conflict in the family of Jean and Samoilova, which a year ago was quite loudly discussed on the network. Then it became known that the rap performer suffered from alcohol and narcotic dependence, and was also not faithful to his spouse. Samoilova, in turn, declared the intention to divorce with the artist, but then for the sake of children decided to save the family.

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