Philip Kirkorov ridiculous a rumor about the novel with Buzova: "I'll call me?"


Recently, rumors about a possible novel between the 53-year-old Philip Kirkorov and 35-year-old Olga Buzova are actively mutated in Tusovka. A couple often appears together in secular parties, and they lead themselves at the same time, as real lovers: nicely welcome, hugging and send each other kisses. The other day, the artists visited the "Heat" musical award, where warm feelings still demonstrated to each other. Attentive fans of the couple still remember their dialogue on the show "Mask", when the chairman of the jury is upset by the departure from the project invited it to his home for dinner, and the star answered him in a very familiar manner.

All this seems extremely suspicious fans, especially since the singer supports close relationships with both former. The artist also refers to the ex-serving guy Buzova, 28-year-old Repeer Davinda Manukyan, and he considers him his mentor. Not so long ago, Philip strongly supported Davu, when he participated in the project "Dancing with the Stars".

To no longer heal the rumors about your novel with Buzova, Philip made a loud statement on the ether of the show "You will not believe!" On the NTV channel, answering the questions of journalists. The singer renounced the fact that they have a romantic relationship with his beloved "Buziandra", and stated that they are just friends. "I'll call me? Do you think this is possible? Do you think after all I experienced in my life, is it possible? " - hurried to calm his fans of Kirkorov.

Recall, earlier the father of Philip, the artist Pobros Kirkorov, said that his son was alitolub and in his life loved and continues to love only one woman - Alla Borisovna Pugachev.

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